Language Games
Peculiar Works Project (New York, USA)

Absurdist take on philosophy and language. A present-day student and
activist, Sheela joins Ludwig Wittgenstein, Paul Shepard and Walter
Benjamin for a spirited game of mahjong. As they play, her energy
conjures Joseph Beuys as a mythological hare. Invisible to the players,
he interjects cultural incantations, while the players contemplate how
language evolved from naming animals to representing them with signs,
and how myths serve the human need to imagine. Physical chair-play
creates an escalating rhythm as tensions build… As the chair-e-ography
builds to a crescendo, Sheela pushes back against male aggression and
wins the game.
Author Barbara Yoshida
Language Performed in English
Dates Available now
Format Digital on-demand
1 August 2022
20 minutes
C ARTS | C venues | C digital
portal – on demand
12+ (guidance)
Strong language/swearing