Tania Lacy: Catch a Falling Star
Tania Lacy (Australia)

In the early 90s, Australian comedian Tania Lacy was so famous she
couldn't walk down the street without being mobbed. Dubbed the 'enfant
terrible' of Aussie TV, she soon became 'enfant unemployable' for being
too mouthy. Fortunately for Tania, women are quite 'in' right now, so
there's a good chance she'll get away with it this time. She might have
been too naughty for the nineties but that was then, this is now and
she's decided she can be 'enfant' anything she wants!
Author Tania Lacy
Language Performed in English
Dates Available now
Format Digital on-demand
1 August 2022
45 minutes
C ARTS | C venues | C digital
portal – on demand
16+ (guidance)
Scenes of a sexual nature, Strong language/swearing