Why, Gahd, WHY?!
House of Gahd (Québec, Canada) | Direct from OFFTA

As the world falls into chaos, humanity is looking for its path. How
will humanity navigate this treacherous terrain of uncertainty? Drag, of
course! How better to understand the absurdity of it all? Why, Gahd?
WHY?! is a journey into the chaos and a guiding light. Two living Gahds
have blessed the mortals with their presence and will share their
knowledge of the universe through the ancient arts of divination and
drag… which might just be tainted with pop culture references, witty
banter, and a flair for the dramatic. Fresh from the 2021 OFFTA festival
in Montréal.
Watch Preview – Rosemary’s Baby
Author Uma Gahd and Selma Gahd
Language Performed in English with some spoken text in French (English text is without subtitles, French text is with English subtitles)
Dates Available now
Format Digital on-demand
Cabaret and Variety
1 August 2022
120 minutes
C ARTS | C venues | C digital
portal – on demand
14+ (guidance)