Phantom Pain
Sky Theatre Group (British Columbia, Canada)

Stories of five fictional women, fundamentally different and
unconnected, but sharing the same core: the pain of living on when
something essential is taken away. Human trafficking, family separation,
suicide, depression, and rape are some of the themes explored in this
original piece. Based on true events, accounts and testimonies. A
reminder of the human stories behind news and statistics, told through
poetry, dance, and monologues. In 1936 Spanish Republican troops
disembarked on the shores of Majorca to recover the island, which had
been taken over by the military. The operation was a failure, and soon
the Republicans were defeated in retreat, leaving many comrades behind
on the ground. Survivors were made an example of, tortured, and
executed. Mar de fons explores the consequences of these events and the
following repression, and how it has affected Majorcan society.
Documentary theatre based on real testimonials of people involved in the
Spanish Civil War and repression that followed. Winner of the Derek
Award for Best Overseas Show, Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2021.
Writer/performer: Lennora Esi. Producer: Rzgar Hama. ‘A powerful piece!
There are many levels displayed through the performance of these
powerful stories’ (George Belliveau). ‘What a profoundly important piece
of work’ (Marvin Westwood).
Author Lennora Esi and Rzgar Hama
Language Performed in English
Dates Available now
Format Digital on-demand
Dance Physical Theatre and Circus
1 August 2022
65 minutes
C ARTS | C venues | C digital
portal – on demand
14+ (guidance)