I'm Just Saying
Cecelia Settem with Unmuted Participants (California, USA)

Cecelia’s comedic foray into therapy invites you to consider that your
way may not be the best way. Revelations abound, like: we all grew up
with different rule books and communicating with other humans is like
playing a game of telephone. ‘Trust no-one’ is easier said than done,
and being in charge is not all it’s cracked up to be. Cecelia learns
that being a mother has changed her understanding of everything she
believes, loves and trusts, and that she must grow an ultra-thick skin
to survive.
Watch Trailer | Unmuted Participants Solo Flight season
Author Cecelia Settem
Language Performed in English
Dates Available now
Format Digital on-demand
1 August 2022
44 minutes
C ARTS | C venues | C digital
portal – on demand
16+ (guidance)
Contains distressing themes, mature themes, sexual themes, violent themes, and strong language