A Dangerous Whim
tarinainanika (Japan) [FREE]

A joker assembles a foursome for a game of cards. But the game is not
what it seems, and nor are the players, who may turn out to be figments
of the joker’s sinister imagination. If there were a story its moral
would be: beware what you imagine – it may come back to bite you. A
Dangerous Whim is fifteen minutes of cinematic poetry. Through stylised
acting, surreal videography, and a quirky soundscape of music, voice and
noise it conjures up a strangely compelling world of beauty and suspense.
new short non-verbal piece from tarinainanika, creators of Tokyo Fugue
and The Same Boat, also showing on C ARTS.
Performed by | Nozomi
Fujishima, Ryuta Kawai, Yukiko Masui, Kate Montgomery, Yukio Todo
by | Kentaro Suyama and Tania Coke
Produced by | tarinainanika
| Kevin MacLeod, Victor Dance Orchestra, Mozart, Tania Coke
design and operation | Tania Coke
Lighting design and operation |
Kentaro Suyama
Author Kentaro Suyama and Tania Coke
Language Performed without spoken text
Dates Available now
Format Digital on-demand
Dance Physical Theatre and Circus
14 January 2023
15 minutes
C ARTS | C venues | C digital
portal – on demand
0+ (guidance)