Mr Moon
Moon Cabaret (The Netherlands/transnational)

Our story is human, that of a company built on the road, created through
encounters, personal tragedies, and destinies. Who are we? Musicians?
Clown-puppeteers? Madmen or poets? Why does nothing we say seem
believable? And above all, why do we continue to play? We have been
travelling for two centuries, attached to each other, storytellers from
another time. We are those who were found, those who were lost before we
were found, and those who stood in the shadows all along. Not really
from yesterday, do we wander from one scene to another. We are the Lost
Mr Moon is a dreamlike cabaret that brings together
musicians, clowns, divas and puppeteers in a riotous, order-less and
borderless explosion, featuring artists from the Netherlands, Mexico,
Scotland, Italy, Ecuador and France.
Moon Cabaret, the theatrical
branch of Snowapple, creates and tours captivating, immersive shows that
draw on opera, physical theatre and cabaret with a touch of
hallucinatory surrealism. The company has experimented with cinema,
music, theatre and puppetry, engaging audiences at festivals including
the International Festival of Music and Humour, Festival Off d’Avignon,
Gavazzana Blues, Vondelpark Theater, Cervantino Festival and El Café
‘Mr Moon blur the boundaries between theatre, cabaret and
concert… it is the music that drives the production, the physical
contortions transform the songs into an almost ritualistic fever dream’
(EU Contemporary Puppetry Platform).
‘Mr Moon makes for a
bewitching, hypnotic experience...(it) embraces a variety of artforms
that bring out the best in its eclectic, eccentric group of artists’
‘Take a break… roam free in the endless
fields of the imagination’ (La Croix).
Author Eva Schumacher
Language Performed in English and other languages, with English subtitles where other languages are used
Dates Available now
Format Digital on-demand
Musicals and Opera
14 March 2023
53 minutes
C ARTS | C venues | C digital
portal – on demand
5+ (guidance)