A Night To Remember
Heart and Soul Producers (Florida, USA)

The Christmas story, Broadway-style. You’ll be startled by Roman
soldiers, witness the oppression of the Jewish people, be in awe of the
Wise Men’s lavish costumes, hear yodelling shepherds, and learn to love
the hilarious Herod the Great – all in 60 minutes! ‘I was completely
blown away. I came not expecting that at all’ (Audience review). ‘The
music, the sound, the singing, the whole production was beautiful. It
was really lovely’ (Audience review). ‘I think it was wonderful. The
whole play was great. Gets you in the Christmas spirit and shows you
what it’s all about’ (Audience review).
Herod’s Cheeky Girl, Singing Angel | Ava Bratic
Singing Angel, Lounge Singer | Brooke Brown
Pharisee Father, Herod’s
Singer, Shepherd | Chad Carff
Mary, Dancing Angel | Rose Carff
Assistant, Student, Frankincense Girl, Dancing Angel | Isa Cervantes
Herod’s Fan Girl | Emily DeWoody
Shopper, Herod’s Fan Girl,
Dancing Angel | Mya DeWoody
Teacher, Herod’s Cheeky Girl, Singing
Angel | Charissa Domizioli
Street Lady, Townsperson, Midwife, Gabriel
| Lisa Farrall
Roller-skater, Teacher, Herod’s Cheeky Girl, Shepherd
| Lisa Hartley Hill
Street Vendor, Tax Collector, Innkeeper | Guy
Townsperson, Angel | Cindy Ingraham
Wise Men Entourage,
Dancing Angel | Allison Kervin
Taxpaying Townsperson, Wise Man,
Dancing Angel | Kim Lauer
Shopper, Townsperson, Herod’s Cheeky Girl,
Singing Angel | Laura Lee
Rock Thrower, Student, Wise Men Entourage |
Nathan Lee
Roman Centurion, Wise Man | Peter McCharles
Angel Dancer | Deborah Miller
Roman Guard, Herod’s Guard | Jeff Miller
Builder, Pharisee, Herod’s Singer, Shepherd | Colin Patterson
Herod, Narrator | James Arthur Patterson
Shopper, Narrator, Shepherd
Wendy Patterson
Townsperson, Sceptre-holder, Dancing Angel | Blakely
Roller-skater, Pharisee, Herod’s Singer, Shepherd | Austin Rios
Angel | Jana Rochette
Roman Soldier, Tax Collector Guard, Wise Man |
Doug Rothenbush
Shopper, Wise Men Entourage, Angel Dancer | Jenna
Roman Soldier, Pharisee, Shepherd | Joel Shugars
Wise Men Entourage, Dancing Angel | Aiyana Sivak
Dancing Angel | Amy
Townsperson, Dancing Angel | Susan Smith
Dancing Shepherd | Aly Van Iderstine
Townsperson, Student, Wise Men
Entourage, Dancing Angel | Brea Wilkins
Townsperson, Wise Men
Entourage Dancing Angel | Marla Wilkins
Composed and Directed by
| James Arthur Patterson
Choreography by | Carina Torres-Brown, Haley
Arnold, Deborah Miller, Susan Smith, Amy Sivak, and Wendy Patterson
and Prop Design and Construction | James Arthur Patterson, Colin
Produced by | Wendy Patterson
Stage Manager | Ian
Administration | Wendy Patterson
‘Impact’ written by
Eliza Vladescu, Ron Boehme, Doug Rothenbush and Wendy Patterson
Watch Preview
Author James Arthur Patterson
Language Performed in English
Captioning Auto-generated closed captions in English
Dates Available now
Format Digital on-demand
Musicals and Opera
2 August 2022
78 minutes
C ARTS | C venues | C digital
portal – on demand
5+ (guidance)