Baby Rock
MultilinguArt (California, USA)
A bilingual children’s musical in English and Spanish, Baby Rock is the
story of Anastasia, a young girl who explores the world and learns how
to make a new friend regardless of language barriers and differences.
This is Baby Rock's Edinburgh Fringe debut following a sell out run in
New York, incorporating catchy rock music and interactive elements to
transport the audience into Anastasia’s world. Celebrating the joys of
diversity, language, music and love, this show will continue to spread
these messages to young audiences around the world! Te va a encantar!
| Liv Licursi
Catalina | Ana Karina Cano
Written by | Carlos
De Matteis
Translated, Directed and Produced by | Taylor Bazos
by | Ana Karina Cano
Stage Manager | Valeryann Boufford
Author Carlos de Matteis
Language Performed mostly in English but with some Spanish
Dates 31 July-24 August 2024 (not 12)
Format Live in-person